Our goal is to supplement the cost of tuition as much as possible with the assistance of generous Donors, Sponsors, Volunteers, and the Virginia Education Improvement Scholarships Tax Credits Program and Fundraisers. FSA seeks to keep tuition low and affordable with our scholarship programs. Please refer to the 2024 Federal Guidelines by clicking on the download button to see if you qualify for our scholarship program.

Once you have filled out the application please email to admin (@) freestateacademy (.org)


Parent Involvement and volunteers are vital to the educational and financial success of FSA. Fundraising helped accomplish our goal to keep FSA as close to free as possible. As with a good marriage, communication and finances need to be in order. FSA wants to be transparent and invites everyone to visit classes, chapel, field trips and fundraisers and to ask questions at any time. We are more than willing to meet with you in person. To aid in this transparency, these are the financial records for our first academic year. If you have any questions, please contact us directly.

Hurdles that were overcome by the grace of God:

1. Special Use Permit - Zoning restrictions overcome
2. Septic tank problems - worked through septic issues - established the church has multiple tanks and enough capacity to handle the school's requirements. God sent 2 men to FSA that tested for future drain lines if needed at no charge which would have cost the school approximately $3500.
3. Fire Inspection - Worked with the Fire Marshall to resolve all safety issues
4. Certificate of Occupancy- Granted with perfect timing to qualify for RAN
5. Lost some teachers due to health concerns, but God provided and we were able to fill the necessary positions
6. Teachers with a servant's heart, knowing they would not be paid when they volunteered.
7. Fund raisers allowed FSA to pay teachers more than a shekel.
8. Received much less than we expected from RAN, but made the decision to pay the teachers and God showed up and we never missed a payment and have some in the bank at the end of the year.